DF018 Renault Fault Code

The DF018 fault code received on Renault vehicles has several different meanings. Information about the causes of this fault code and suggestions for solutions will be given in this article.

When interpreting the DF018 fault code, we should always keep in mind the possibility of a short circuit and leakage in the electronic components of the vehicle.

DF018 Renault Fault Code

Since the electronic hardware load is quite high in the new generation vehicles, there may be malfunctions for much more reasons and at many more various points than in the old model vehicles.

By reason of water, it is also possible to mean the water itself. The source of many electronic failures in new generation vehicles is related to “water”.

For example, you have taken the car to the auto salon, the electrical circuits have short-circuited due to sloppy-careless cleaning of the interior and exterior.

Or, because the vehicle is constantly left in an open-top area, corrosion has formed on the connections from the humidity of the air, rain.

Or when cleaning the car yourself, the wetness in the wiring connections caused a short circuit.

In summary, it is necessary to treat the new generation vehicles as “computers” and keep them away from water, and to do the cleaning carefully.

The fault code DF018 can also be caused by such an element or there may be a serious underlying problem.

Possible problems with the vehicle with the Renault fault code DF018:

  • Heating the vehicle
  • The vehicle does not work
  • Failure of some electronic systems of the vehicle
  • Some headlights of the vehicle do not light up

Brief description of the DF018 fault code:

There are different explanations of this fault code that should be interpreted well and carefully:

  • There is a problem with the low speed fan group control circuit
  • There is something about the lock-up slip
  • There is a problem with the actuators related to the discharge bulb.
  • There is a problem with the instrument panel.
  • There is a problem related to the UCH brain “Programming of 4 codes was not performed in the Summer set”.
  • There is a problem with the left high beam circuit.

Causes of the DF018 fault code:

  • When the fan is not working, the cooling process is interrupted, and the vehicle brain may turn off some systems or cause the vehicle not to start. The engine cooling fan or air conditioning fan may be faulty.
  • The lock-up slip is a part related to the torque converter. The new generation transmissions have locked clutches in order to reduce the energy loss of the hydraulic system. There may be a problem with the clutch lock.
  • The headlight motor may have failed.
  • There is no electricity to the instrument panel, its wiring may be problematic.
  • UCH there may be a software problem in your brain.
  • The left high beam circuit may be broken or the electricity is not coming.

DF018 Renault fault code solution

Sometimes such failures can be caused by things such as battery weakness or non-contact in battery connections, loosening of ECU connections. It would be useful to check them before undertaking a substantial repair job.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, problems such as a short circuit, fuse failure, relay failure in the vehicle as a result of incorrect cleaning work may also have triggered the DF018 fault code.

After such checks are made, first of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of complaints are experienced in the vehicle, which malfunction / warning lights are lit on the instrument panel.

If the engine water temperature altitude lamp is on, the engine cooling fan may be faulty, the sensor may be faulty, or there may be a reason that makes the engine overheat (for example, lack of oil).

The ECU may have turned off some system in the vehicle due to the engine overheating. Based on this possibility, it is checked whether the vehicle’s fan is working, and if it is not working, why it is not working.

If the gear shifts are problematic or the vehicle is not working at all, it is emphasized that there is a problem related to torque converter locking. Transmission-related or torque converter-related failures are usually difficult and costly to solve.

If the headlights of the vehicle are not lit, the fan motors may be faulty or there may be a problem with the circuits of the fan motors. The system from the battery to the headlight bulb is checked from start to finish, and if there is a part that prevents the flow of electricity or a defective part, it is replaced or repaired.

A problem with the electricity coming to the ECU or coming to the instrument panel is also the cause of the DF018 fault code.

Finally, if there is no physical problem in the vehicle, it is thought that there may be a software failure in the vehicle brain. Updating the software can sometimes solve the problem. Sometimes the burning of the card or the breakdown of the electrical circuit can lead to such problems.

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