Knocking, blowing, throwing smoke concepts that we often come across in vehicle sales ads are some of the biggest fears of car owners. Because such signs mean that the engine performance is problematic.
The DF060 fault code received in Renault vehicles is produced due to combustion problems that have occurred in cylinder number 2.

Possible problems with the vehicle with the Renault fault code DF060:
- Blowing
- Throwing smoke
- The lighting of the engine fault lamp
- Throwing smoke
- Fuel leakage from the exhaust pipe
- Experiencing idle fluctuations
- Jerky operation of the vehicle
- A tremor in the engine
- The vehicle cannot accelerate enough
- Low traction
- Increased fuel expenditure
- Stopping the vehicle
What is the DF060 Renault fault code?
Brief description of the DF060 fault code:
misfire on cylinder number 2
Malfunction in the airbag/pretensioner system
Giving the cylinder number that is the problem in the DF060 fault code makes it easier to find the source of the fault. a “misfire” in cylinder number 2 means that there may be problems such as incorrect ignition timing in this cylinder, improper air /fuel ratio, leakage called “blowing” in the cylinder, that is, the fuel cannot compress as it should.
Gasoline vehicles have a spark plug for ignition, while diesel vehicles do not have an ignition spark plug. (There is a glow plug, but it has a different function.) The ignition process takes place by compressing the fuel to make it easy to burn and spraying diesel fuel with a certain pressure by injection into this fuel.

Accordingly, when the DF060 fault code is received;
there may be a problem with the fuel injector related to cylinder 2. The fuel injector needle or nozzle hole may be defective, the injector spring may be defective, the injector needle may not close completely, the channels inside the injector may be clogged due to dirt, disconnection in the windings inside the injector, a short circuit, etc. there may be problems or there may be problems with the injector connections.
there may be compression (compression) problems with cylinder number 2. In order for the diesel to burn properly, the compression must be uniform. The most important parts related to compression in the cylinder are the rings. The oil rings ensure the sealing of the oil and the compression rings ensure the sealing of the combustion chamber.
If there is wear on the rings, the so-called “blowing” problem occurs. The combustion efficiency of the engine decreases.
Other faults that cause compression problems in the cylinder are faults related to the cylinder head. The cylinder head contains intake and exhaust camshafts, valves, spark plugs in gasoline engines, injectors in diesel engines (and gasoline engines with direct injection), exhaust and intake air passage ducts.
There are usually two camshafts in the cylinder head, one controls the exhaust and one controls the intake valves, allowing the valves to open and close just in time.
A malfunction that may appear on one of these parts may cause the code DF060.
Although the DF060 fault code tells us that the problem is in cylinder 2, there may be a general malfunction in the vehicle that affects the proper operation of the engine, and only cylinder 2 may be affected by this for now.
Some malfunctions that have led the year to misfire in the engine are:
- There is a leak or vacuum leakage in the fuel hose
- MAF sensor failure
- Throttle position sensor malfunction
- Catalytic converter failure
- Oxygen sensor malfunction
- Blockage of the EGR valve
DF060 Renault Fault Code Solution
parts such as fuel injector, piston, rings, cylinder head, and cylinder head gasket related to cylinder number 2 should be checked.
When the injector fails, authorized services go to the replacement route, while special services can make repairs.
If there are problems with the cylinder head gasket and parts related to the cylinder head, they are replaced.
If there is a problem with the rings, throwing the rings extends the engine life of the vehicle for a few more years.
The presence of a compression leak in the engine (whether there is a compression problem or not) can be determined by compression testing.
If there is no problem walking the vehicle in the vehicle where the DF060 fault code is received, if there is no problem with the engine parts, the airbag / pretensioners system (especially the sensor and circuit, cables), which is the other meaning of this fault, should be checked.