DF126 Renault Fault Code

The speed of the vehicle is measured by different sensors, by different methods and is used by many different systems.

For example, each wheel has a sensor that monitors the rotation of the wheels. The rotation speed of the wheels both serves to calculate the vehicle speed and gives information that the vehicle may be sliding or skidding if the speed of one wheel is different from the other by comparing them with each other.

DF126 Renault Fault Code

The vehicles also have a sensor that measures the speeds of the vehicle and the vehicle in front to prevent a collision, a sensor that calculates the engine speed, and many other sensors.

For the ABS system, it is very important to know the normal speed of the vehicle and the individual speeds of the wheels. Because ABS is activated only when necessary, and therefore the risk of slipping and skidding of the vehicle must be calculated by the ECU in advance.

For the transmission system, the data of the sensor that measures the overall speed of the vehicle and the engine speed are important. Because gear changes are related to the speed of the vehicle and the speed of the engine.

The Deciency code DF126 received on a Renault vehicle means that there is a discrepancy between the data of the turbine speed sensor, which concerns the operation of the transmission, and the data of the sensors that provide data to the ABS system.

DF126 Renault Fault Code

Possible problems with the vehicle with the Renault fault code DF126:

  • The ABS lamp is on and the ABS system may not be working.
  • The transmission fault lamp may be on.

What is the DF126 Renault fault code?
Brief description of the DF126 fault code:

Related to the transmission system – Turbine Speed Signal

Related to the ABS system – Suitability of the combined sensor signal

It means that the data coming from the turbine speed sensor is not compatible with the other sensor data in the vehicle.

The reasons for this situation;

  • The turbine speed sensor is dirty, the circuit is faulty, the cables are worn out, there are incorrect data when they touch each other, or the sensor may be broken.
  • The sensor is not installed on at least one of the wheels, or the sensor may be defective.
  • At least one of the sensors used to determine the speed in the vehicle may have a problem, or the sensor data may be inconsistent due to a problem in the vehicle.

DF126 Renault fault code solution

The DF126 Renault fault code solution is to check the sensors that are likely to be defective. First of all, it should be confirmed that all the wheels have sensors that measure speed and that they are working properly.

The speed sensors on the wheels send data to the ABS system, and if even one of them has a problem, the ABS fault lamp lights up on the instrument panel. It is checked that the ABS fault lamp is not flashing.

The end of the ABS speed sensors on the wheels are at the rear of the hub and are located facing the signal gear.

The main speed sensor in the gearbox is responsible for calculating gear changes.

It is checked whether the speed sensors are working properly, if they are defective, they are replaced. The looseness of the wiring of the sensors is also checked.

If there is no indication of sensor failure in the vehicle, there may have been a temporary electrical problem in the vehicle. In this case, the fault code is deleted and it is checked whether the ECU will produce the same code again.

If the DF126 fault code is received while the speed sensors and connections are intact, there may be a battery-related problem or relay failure.

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