P3455 Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low

When your vehicle’s engine starts giving you trouble, it can be a frustrating experience. One such trouble code that you may encounter is P3455, which indicates a Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low. This code usually triggers the check engine light on your dashboard and can lead to a variety of symptoms. In this blog post, we will explore the symptoms, reasons, and potential solutions for the P3455 fault code.

Before delving into the specific details of this fault code, it’s important to understand that each cylinder in your engine has an exhaust valve control circuit, which helps regulate the flow of exhaust gases. When there is an issue with the Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit and it becomes low, it can result in several symptoms to look out for.

P3455 Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low

What are the symptoms of code P3455?

  1. Illuminated Check Engine Light: One of the primary symptoms of the P3455 fault code is the illumination of the check engine light on your vehicle’s dashboard. This serves as an indication that there is a problem with the exhaust valve control circuit in Cylinder 7.
  2. Reduced Engine Performance: Another common symptom is a noticeable decrease in engine performance. Your engine may lack power, feel sluggish, or hesitate during acceleration. This can impact your overall driving experience and may require immediate attention.
  3. Poor Fuel Efficiency: As the exhaust valve control circuit malfunctions, it can impact the air-fuel mixture in Cylinder 7. This can lead to poor fuel efficiency, causing you to make more frequent trips to the gas station. Monitoring your fuel consumption is essential to determine if this fault code is affecting your vehicle.
  4. Rough Idling: When the exhaust valve control circuit is compromised, your engine may experience rough idling. The engine may shake or vibrate while running at idle speed, making it apparent that something is amiss.

What are the reasons for the P3455 code?

  1. Malfunctioning Exhaust Valve Control Circuit: One of the primary reasons behind the P3455 fault code is a malfunctioning exhaust valve control circuit. This can occur due to damaged wiring, faulty solenoids, or a defective sensor associated with Cylinder 7.
  2. Electrical Issues: In some cases, the fault code may be triggered by electrical issues, such as a short circuit or open circuit in the wiring harness. These issues can disrupt the communication between the engine control module and the exhaust valve control circuit, leading to the low circuit error.
  3. Mechanical Problems: Certain mechanical issues within the engine, such as a blocked exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve, can also cause the P3455 fault code. If the EGR valve is clogged or not functioning correctly, it can impact the exhaust gas flow and result in irregularities within the exhaust valve control circuit.

What is the solution for the P3455 code?

  1. Check the Wiring and Connections: Start by inspecting the wiring and connections associated with the exhaust valve control circuit. Look for any signs of damage, corrosion, or loose connections. Repair or replace any faulty components as necessary.
  2. Test the Exhaust Valve Control Circuit: Use a multimeter or appropriate diagnostic equipment to test the exhaust valve control circuit’s voltage and resistance. This will help identify any abnormalities and ensure that the circuit is functioning within the manufacturer’s specifications.
  3. Replace Faulty Components: If the issue lies with specific components such as solenoids or sensors, consider replacing them. Make sure to use OEM-approved parts to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.
  4. Clear the Fault Code: After addressing the underlying problem, use a diagnostic tool to clear the fault code. This will reset the check engine light and allow you to monitor the vehicle’s performance to ensure that the issue has been resolved.


The P3455 Cylinder 7 Exhaust Valve Control Circuit Low fault code can cause several symptoms, including an illuminated check engine light, reduced engine performance, poor fuel efficiency, and rough idling. The reasons for this fault code can range from malfunctioning exhaust valve control circuits to electrical issues and mechanical problems.

To resolve the code, it is essential to check the wiring, test the circuit, replace faulty components if required, and clear the fault code. Seeking professional assistance may be necessary to accurately diagnose and repair the underlying issue. Addressing the P3455 fault code promptly can help ensure the smooth operation of your vehicle’s engine and prevent any further damage.

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